Hey! My name's

Afaq Munawar

A Junior Software Developer based in the UK.

Take a look at my work ⤵
About me
Junior Developer

I am a junior software developer from Manchester, with a background in Mechanical Engineering from university. I developed a strong interest in technology and coding at university and explored it further online. I decided to pursue a career in tech due to my passion and the growing demand for technology skills. I enrolled in a software boot camp program at _nology and gained proficiency in various technologies like React, along with learning Pair Programming and using the SCRUM, Agile methodology.

I am deeply devoted to technology and am resolved to achieve a flourishing career in the industry. My aim is to continually refine my programming skills and keep pace with the newest advancements in technology. I am confident that through my commitment, effort, and ongoing education, I can accomplish my career aspirations and have a significant impact in the tech field.

Technical Skills

Some of the skills i have aquired.


Project 1-Calculator


Project 1-punk-api


Project 1-punk-api

Morse-code Translator